Housekeeping The Database

Housekeeping the database allows you to remove any carts in PlayoutONE that don't contain any audio. Housekeeping also removes any carts that have an end date past a certain point.

To open this window right-click on the Media Finder and choose Housekeep Database, on this screen you have two additional options you can select:

Include Voicetracks older than X days:

This will let you also include voicetracks that are older than the number of days you specify

Include where EndDate more than X:

This will let you also include any carts that have an end date after the date you specify

To start the Scan press Scan Database, by default a scan is performed to list any items that are in PlayoutONE but don't have any corresponding audio (and if you have chosen options from the two above, any carts which match them will also be included). 

Once this check has finished if you wish to remove the items that have been identified, you can press the Remove Selected button

Note: Monitor also performs daily maintenance of your database.

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